Remembrance day : 11:11:11

As always I wore my poppy this year, though it kept unsticking from my coat as it does every year. I actually have the badge so I think I will move that from my shirt collar to my jacket for a while. I couldn’t find a white poppy this year, I usually try to wear a red, white and a purple poppy. I like to remember the people and the animals that have passed away fighting for freedom and of course, I also hope for ‘no more war’, which is what the white poppy stands for. Did you know about the purple and the white poppy ?
I wrote about the white poppy here, sorry for the poor quality of the post…it was a long time back and my layout has changed many times so the photography sizing is all different.

Remembrance day is where we take a moment to stop, think and remember those who were fighting, fell and those who survived for freedom. It saddens me that there are still so many people dying because of war, I will be sharing some interesting articles on Twitter this evening. I have read some beautiful posts by bloggers about the day, you may be interested to read a post by LibertyLondonGirl.