What is so good about Rooibos tea?

Hello everyone, I hope you had a fab Wednesday! This post is about why I love rooibos tea and the benefits I have found form it. When I first drank rooibos tea I really couldn’t decide what I made of the taste. It was unusual, like no other tea I had tasted before. However, after a few more cups I fell in love with it. If you follow me on Twitter and happen to mention you have a headache then I will be sure to recommend rooibos tea .. or black coffee for those of you who don’t like tea. I find that rooibos tea get rid of headaches, it helps with sleep or at least to the extent of helping your mind to relax and I also find it good for when my tummy hurts (tummy sounds better than stomach). I have heard that rooibos is very good if you have skin problems.. don’t hold me to this information though. Oh and like many other herbal tea rooibos tea is high a high antioxidant… huh? – read here.
This is just a quick post on why I like rooibos tea, I am not saying that rooibos tea will fix your headache for sure but just that it really helps with mine.