Pear and strawberry crumble

I buy a lot of fruit. It’s my favourite thing to have for breakfast (other than marmite on toast) and good for snacking on. However, every now and then there will be a few things that get forgotten. When fruit has become soft I will either put it into a smoothie or, better yet, make a crumble.

I don’t have any rules when it comes to making a crumble – strawberries, pears, blueberries, plums – anything goes. This time I used pears and strawberries. I simply sliced everything up, popped them into a saucepan and covered them with red wine and a little sugar. I leave the fruit to simmer and then drain it. Don’t get rid of the leftover juice and wine, that can make a lovely drink to enjoy whilst the crumble is in the oven.

After draining the fruit, place it into a dish of your choice. I tend to use one of my favourite enamel dishes, you can find these in Lakeland. Next you need to cover the fruit with crumble. I tried using a pre-made crumble mix from Sainsbury’s as I had one knocking around in the cupboard. Though it was handy I suggest making your own as it’s super simple!

I tend to use the following ingredients to make a crumble topping:

– Butter
– Crushed up digestive biscuits
– Brown sugar
– Plain flour

Add a little sugar on top of the finished crumble and put it in the oven. Keep an eye on your mixture and as soon as it’s turned to a lovely golden brown shade you can whip it out and serve with ice cream, cream or a lacto free version if you live in my house.









