I spotted the new Munio Candela range of candles over at Mypure at the start of this month knew I had to try them. I know that cheap candles can be made with chemicals that really shouldn’t be breathed in by the human body, so I thought I should try out a good make and especially as Munio Candela candles are all natural I knew I was heading in the right direction. I always go straight for anything which contains cinnamon so I decided that this would have to be the first one in the collection I tested. I would like to try the clove scent next time or maybe I will go for something new like the Marigold Flowers.
I normally find it hard to spend money on candles, I think they make lovely presents for others and would be very happy to receive a special candle like this as a gift. However, I would buy the Munio Candela candle for myself because I now know how lovely they are. It isn’t something I would be paying out for every month but maybe every other month. I have a feeling this candle will be lasting me much longer than a month, I haven’t had to keep this candle lit all evening because the smell lasts very well throughout the evening. I will keep you updated with how long this Munio Candela candle lasts me and will share photos on my Facebook page.

The candle I picked was 220ml and has a total burning time of 15 hours, I think that’s quite good for £11.00. I don’t think I would spend more than maybe £15.00 on a (large) candle and even then that would be a push. I don’t think I am at a stage in my life where I am earning enough to buy such luxury candles, I think that £11.00 is a nice price to pay for a good quality, natural and long lasting candle.

A candle really makes your home feel cosy, it’s easy to forget this sometimes and I only tend to remember around Christmas time. I want to make more of an effort to use candles this year, I think they can give off a relaxing feeling and help to keep you calm if your mind has been busy at work all day.

Do you buy candles often ?
How much would you usually spend on a candle ?