7 Twitter Tips To Grow Your Audience


I’ve been working within the world of social media for just over 8 years and it’s still very much a passion of mine. I’ve worked in-house for charities, at multiple agencies and as of the last 2 years I’ve been self-employed. So, although there are lots of posts like this online, I thought I’d jump in and share some of my top tips for Twitter. These tips are very easy to implement and with a little time and dedication you’ll see your audience begin to grow.

Let’s get straight into the list:

Check in on your scheduled content: I’m all for scheduled content, especially when it comes to promotional posts. Schedule a few promotional blog posts throughout the day (I aim for 3) at peak times. The important part is remembering to check back into Twitter throughout the day after your content has gone out. Respond to any questions or comments as soon as you can.

If you’re anything like me then you’ll be in and our of your favourite social platforms throughout the day and it’s unlikely you’ll miss anything.

Get involved with Twitter chats: There are lots of awesome blog related Twitter chats that happen on a weekly basis (I’m loving #30plusblogs at the mo). Set a reminder in your phone for your favourite ones and make sure you get involved. Answer the questions throughout the hour and be sure to make conversation with other people in the chat. I actually wrote an in-depth post over on my biz blog about the importance of Twitter chats.

– Follow and engage: When you follow someone new be sure to interact with their content. Ask them questions, join in a conversation and most importantly, get on their radar. If you follow someone but fail to talk to them then it’s likely that they won’t have much of a reason to follow you back. Make yourself known and start networking.

Make use of Twitter lists: Avoid clogging up your timeline with too much content by separating people out into lists. I have one for PR companies, my favourite brands and lifestyle, fashion, business and travel bloggers. I find that if I’m looking for a specific type of content I can quickly dive into the list and have a nosey at what’s going on. I wrote an in-depth post about how to use Twitter lists over on my biz blog.

– Use appropriate hashtags: I’m sure you all use hashtags, but are you using them wisely? A hashtag brings together tweets from a specific topic. I’ve found that tagging a specific city related to my content works best. It’s something I’m unlikely to write within the body of the tweet but adding it on as a hashtag helps it to reach the right audience. I always do a little research to find specific hashtags such as #Sheffieldissuper.

Embrace video: You can now record, edit and share a video directly from the Twitter app. Alternatively you can upload a pre-recorded one. Try responding to a tweet in video format (thanks for the tip GaryVee), share highlights from an event or offer a travel/beauty tip. Keep your videos short and sweet on Twitter.

– Consistency: For everything you do in life, consistency is key. Show up every day and talk to fellow bloggers, share a snippet of your day and, above all, make the effort to connect with people.

If you have any questions on how best to use Twitter for your blog or business then please feel free to drop me a message. Alternatively, I can create a Twitter overview for your blog or business.