Announcing Your Pregnancy Before 12 Weeks

Announcing your pregnancy before 12 weeks is a truly subjective topic. As with all things pregnancy and parenting related it’s something that everyone will have an opinion on.

Deciding when to tell people you’re pregnant is one of the very first decisions you’ll make. You’ll then quickly find yourself at the crossroads of many decision-making scenarios.

The most important thing to remember is that you must do what is right for you. It’s your decision, your pregnancy and only yourself and your partner can make this decision.

Why I decided to tell people before 12 weeks. 

I’ve spoken before on PGT about how close I am with my family. When I found out I was pregnant there was no question that I’d be picking up the phone as soon as possible to tell them. I think my sister was the first to answer, even though she’s usually the one who isn’t addicted to using her phone. She was on the train into London and I was delighted to be able to share my news with her.

I’d have liked to have told my family in person but we don’t live close enough and there was no way I could keep this exciting little secret to myself.

Telling close family, friends and work folk was important to me for a number of reasons. 

Firstly, if there were any complications I’d certainly be letting them know. So I figured that sharing my news at this point would then make it easier if I needed their support. In all situations, I think that people can only offer you the support you need if they’re aware of what’s going on.

Secondly, It’s really exciting news. I’m all about enjoying my pregnancy and to be able to enjoy something fully I think it’s always best to share it.

Finally, I wanted to learn as much as possible. Should I be taking any supplements? What foods should I avoid? How should I deal with morning sickness? While we’re on the topic, ‘morning sickness’ can strike morning, noon or night. I never knew that before my pregnancy journey.

I’m always ready to Google a problem but there’s nothing like advice from friends and family.

I didn’t hide my pregnancy

Now, whilst I didn’t announce my pregnancy on Instagram or my blog I equally didn’t hide it.

If the topic came up in conversation then I was more than happy to let people in on my secret. For example, I went on a fantastic trip to Cologne with a bunch of awesome bloggers. I wasn’t drinking and although it was very early on in my pregnancy I’d explain to anyone who asked me why I wasn’t drinking.

I was really pleased with my decision because I got lots of useful tips from Suzanne – The Travel Bunny and Sharmeen – BritPakGirl. They also reminded me about the importance of rest. Something that doesn’t come naturally to me but was very much needed on the final afternoon of our trip.

In most situations, I go with my gut instinct and I honestly think that’s the best way forward, for me.

I’ll probably do the same next time ’round, if I’m blessed to have a next time.