Throughout the month of January our household was fighting off colds, COVID and ear infections. So, as you can imagine, we weren’t out and about all that much. I think we had one trip to the park right at the start of the month but that was it. After that we spent a lot of time at home playing with Duplo, watching Blippi and baking.
Anyway, despite spending a lot of the month at home there were still many happy things to look back on.

10 Things That Made Me Happy In January
Exploring hidden parts of Cambridge with Rob Fox.
Celebrating my sister’s birthday with a lemon and white chocolate cake.
Lots of Duplo sessions with X. He’s really using his imagination in the games we play now.
Day after day of beautiful pink sunsets.
The Starbucks Strawberry and Vanilla oat latte.
Visiting Phil’s mum for a sushi lunch.
Making pancakes at the weekend.
Fresh homemade bagels to go with homemade salt beef.
These delicious panda steamed buns.
Ending my days with peppermint tea in bed.