Stuff I’d like to do in February

I haven’t put together a monthly bucket list in ages and to be honest, I’m not feeling the word bucket list these days. I need a new name for it but I’m not sure what. Stuff I’d like to do in February will do for today.

I find there are always lots of things I want to do but never get ’round to. So, I simply need to be more intentional about doing those things. Speaking of which, I should probably get ’round to renewing my National Trust pass in preparation for spring.

I realise we’re over half way through the month already but I’m so behind with blog posts that we’re just going to have to roll with it. I’ve kept my list short for today but would love to know what things you’re planning to do with the rest of this month.

Anyway, let’s get into the list.

6 Things I’d like to do in February

Homemade bagels – I love making bagels but the last batch I did just were not up to scratch. I’m not sure why but I do know the whole process was rushed so it could have been the flour I used, not weighing out the dough before shaping the bagels or boiling them for too long. Anyway, I can’t wait to make a fresh batch this weekend.

Upload 5 recipes on Dairy Free Daisy – I’ve already made a start on this and plan to upload one this weekend. Fingers crossed. As I was writing this list I suddenly started to think about goals and really that’s not what this list is about but on this occasion I’m leaving this one in.

Book to have my nails done – I think I need to get my nails done but at the same time my hands have been so dry from this cold weather that I’ve been holding off. Perhaps February is the month to just go for it.

Visit Madingley Hall – I love going for a walk here, it’s so pretty but the main reason I want to go is to get X’s yearly photo…4 months late but I’d like to go and do it anyway.

Cinema – I’ve got a couple of theatre trips booked in for my soon-to-be 4 year old later this year so I’d like to get him to the cinema a couple of times. He’s never been and I need to get him used to the concept of sitting for more than a few minutes plus there’s the whole darkness and loud music to deal with. I haven’t seen many child-friendly showings recently so fingers crossed I can actually come across some.

Painting with ice – I’ve seen this all over Instagram and Tiktok but you basically fill a bowl with ice cubes and then use watercolour paints to make them bright and cheerful. I think my pre-schooler will love this especially as it’s a good excuse to then melt the ice cubes with ice and hot water at the end.