- First of all I want to thank you all for the lovely comments on my last few posts, The last post has now got 45 comments.
- I want to thank and welcome all my new readers who have visited the blog, I have found so many new fantastic blogs through this !
- I also am so glad there are many of you who share such a wondrous love for the fifties and sixties – the fashion, the decor music and simplicity !
- I am in the process of arranging a few follow up posts which I hope you will find interesting !
Today: 17th June 2009
I woke up to a dull morning, began to get ready to head over to Manchester, and then – The rain came. So i have decided to stay in and try to get my room sorted and cleared out !
So today I am sorting my room, as i mentioned before.
I want to get rid of lots of things and put things to sell as well as a trip to the charity shop!
The photo above shows my room, messy I know but you should have seen it before i moved all the suitcases!
I have almost everything back from my flat – here I am at home .. for the time being. Therefore a clear out, new start and maybe even a painting session when it is all done !
I hope to have it done today!… Ive said that a few times over the past week!
Above are some lovely finds from a recent charity shop trip with my grandma. I think they are just lovely
Last of all I am dreaming of Glastonbury and KICKING myself that I did NOT get myself a ticket this year. What a stupid mistake!
More photos from last year’s Glastonbury can be found here
Im going to get back to my cup of tea and my room!
“Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, Rosie Lea” The Kinks – Have A Cuppa Tea