Simple Eye Cream Review

I ended up with three eye creams a while back and have been making my way through this Simple eye balm which you can buy in Boots for £3.99.  This eye cream caused no irritation to my skin so is fine for those of you with sensitive skin. The Simple range is usually very good for the most sensitive skin and is quite cheap.

The cream says that it helps to relax tired eyes, reduces puffiness and is full of vitamin goodness. 

I didn’t think the Simple cream was thick enough, it was very light and would be more suited to someone with oily skin as opposed to dry skin. The Simple cream was soothing for my eyes especially before bed but I personally like a cream which is more hydrating and I also didn’t find that it made much of a difference to my sleepy eyes in the morning. I don’t think I will be buying this one again.

I have some follow up eye cream posts coming during this week.
What is your favourite eye cream ?