As I was taking photos of the shoes I noticed that the buckle strap looked like a heart. I like finding shapes within everyday objects and it often happens when I am spending time looking at things in detail.
I just hope this lovely sunshine we have had today lasts a little longer or at least if it stays dry I can still wear my new shoes. I really shouldn’t say this out loud, but I am sure that autumn is going to be on it’s way faster than we hope. I beg that I am wrong but something tells me it’s going to roll around quite quickly this year and I am already eyeing up brogues. I don’t mind a/w and I enjoying dressing for it but only if we have a good summer. I don’t feel like the UK has had it’s fair share this year, do you? I have been lucky enough to be away in New York and enjoyed a good blast of their hot weather but I know it was raining here when I was gone. I would still like to get a little more good weather during August here before autumn hits us, this way I will be ready to embrace big coats and hats.