October – To Do

It’s been ages since I made one of these. Sometimes I do them seasonally and sometimes monthly.

Today it’s a monthly to do list.

We’re already a week into the month and I have a feeling that it’s going to fly by. We have a week away right in the middle of the month as well as lots of trips back and forth between Cambridge.

Having a to do list helps me to get more done, especially when it comes to fun things. I have a habit of putting work and blogging before everything else. These days X comes first and then work and blogging. So, it’s important for me to get some fun time in too.

Photo from this time last year

Here are 10 things I want to do this month.

Bake pumpkin muffins

Go for a countryside walk in Sheffield

Find a bread course and sign up

Take X swimming

Carve a pumpkin

Make a video about our trip to Southwold

Take X to a sensory group

Drink a matcha latte in Soboro

Eat fish and chips by the sea

Make a fresh batch of pumpkin spice