What a strange year this is turning out to be.
Due to a global pandemic we’ve been in lockdown here in the UK for the last 4 months. Things are starting to ease up a little but there’s no certainty as to how the rest of the year will go.
I decided a couple of weeks ago that it was time for a goal reset. I normally assess my goals halfway through the year but this time I’m totally switching things up.
I’ll continue with my monthly challenges and my health and fitness goal but everything else has been scrapped. I was so looking forward to taking a few courses this year but I’m sure I’ll have the opportunity to do that next year.
So where does that leave me for the final 6 months of the year.

Well, I plan to turn my focus to my second blog, Dairy Free Daisy. – DFD.
I set it up ages and ago and what with freelance work and everything else I never really found the time to focus on anything other than the Instagram page.
Now is that time.
As I said, we’re half way through the year. So, for the final 6 months I will be dedicating my free time to sharing reviews and recipes across all Dairy Free Daisy channels. I’ll also give the blog a fresh new look, ensure analytics and affiliates are in place as well as doubling down on content for TikTok.
The goal is to have DFD as an income stream by the end of the year.
I also plan to document the process and journey with DFD here on Prettygreentea. Why? Why not.
I’ll get SPECIFIC with my goals, share the data (we love a graph), take you behind the scenes of blogging and of course, talk about the challenges.
I’ll pop back a little later today and share more about DFD with you.
If you fancy keeping me accountable to my goal, want to find out more about dairy free brands and recipes then please feel free to support me on the following channels:
TikTok | Facebook | Instagram | Blog | Twitter
Let’s go.