Life without foundation

Today was my first day without foundation. I wanted to cover myself up but decided that it’s time to give it up. It’s time to get my skin back to how it was before I started using foundation. I’ve always had dry, sensitive skin and never really used foundation till maybe a year or so ago.I’m not really sure why I did start using it, I think I just felt I should and wanted to know what all the fuss was about. I’ve been getting little spots ever since I started using it and they seem to come back every now and then, even after changing foundation. I stopped using it just before the summer and my skin cleared up. I then decided I need to start using it again (a confidence thing, I think) and anyway, I’m back with little spots all over my poor face.

So I’m going to try again, I’m going to quit using foundation and see what happens. WARNING – Here I am without make-up. Let’s hope that a month from now there will be some improvements (and maybe I’ll get ’round to having my hair done)!

Photo on 10-09-2013 at 21.25

Do you wear foundation on a daily basis?
