March was one of the most exciting months of my life.
It was the month that I met my little baby and became a first time mum.

March started with a mixture of rest and long walks.

We grabbed an Uber across town for coffee and cinnamon buns at Cawa Coffee. I’d been eyeing up the cafe on Instagram and knew that we needed to fit in a visit before our baby was born. I can confirm that the cinnamon buns are excellent as is the coffee. We then walked back home, it was mostly down hill so I didn’t struggle too much.

We started to prep our baby furniture, unpack the blankets and set up a changing station. Well, Phil did this while I sat in bed and watched Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
After the first week I found that I started to have less and less energy to do my long daily walks. Things were starting to rumble but nothing worth heading to the hospital for.
I was finding it hard to be on my own during the day. My family weren’t able to come and visit and I found the days were starting to feel long. I work up to my labour but all energy had gone.

One particular day was very exciting because a box of baby goodies arrived from L&D. It was packed full of baby essentials and snacks. Just what I needed to keep me going.
As I waited for things to kick off I watched a lot of Sorted Food and Somebody Feed Phil. I love foodie programs and found that these shows really helped me to cut off and relax.

Right in the middle of the month baby X was born. I had a long and hard labour which ended in a c-section – you can read the full story here – and then I had my lovely little baby in my arms.

I was in hospital for 5 days but P kept me fuelled with Starbucks.

I was so happy when I could finally leave, it was such a fantastic feeling to head home with X and really start our life together. A lot of our first week together was spent sitting in bed or taking little walks around the house. I loved the newborn bubble, I was so happy and content.
My family came to visit and it was the best. They adored baby boy, we ate excellent Persian food and spent quality time together.
What a wonderful month. I think back to March almost everyday. I look back to the photos from the month multiple time’s a week. I hope there isn’t a time where that stops.